Enabling the Green
Energy Revolution

New Horizon Metals

Australian Copper-Uranium Explorer Focused on Tier 1 Locations

Queensland Projects

South Australian Projects

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Our Projects

New Horizon Metals’ (NHM) is focused on developing its two copper projects in Mt Isa’s world-class copper-belt (Queensland) and Iron-Oxide Copper Gold (IOCG) / uranium asset in the Gawler Craton (South Australia)

○ Queensland Projects

  • Bortala (EPM28271)


  • Firey Creek (EPM27879)

○ South Australia Projects

  • Wilan Project (EL6819 & EL6870)

The transition to a net-zero economy will be metal-intensive.

The global energy system is in the midst of a major transition to clean energy.

The efforts of an ever-increasing number of countries and companies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to net zero call for the massive deployment of a vast range of clean energy technologies, many of which in turn rely on critical minerals such as copper, lithium, nickel, cobalt and rare earth elements.

Indicators suggest that the global demand for copper is likely to outpace supply in the foreseeable future, with copper expected to play a critical role in a low carbon economy due to its favourable chemical properties and extensive use in renewable energy and electric vehicle applications.

Why copper?

Copper has the superior properties that allow it to be used for many types of clean energy.

It is these properties that make it the critical material for wind and solar technology, energy storage, and electric vehicles. 


Electrons can move freely through copper, making it a good conductor of heat and electricity.


Copper’s ability to be bent and easily shaped into wires or sheets, make it the ideal metal for a variety of electrical uses.


Without copper, for the same efficiency, electrical equipment, such as motors, transformers and cables would use 20% more materials.


Copper is 100% recyclable and can be used over and over without losing its engineering properties.

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Copper and the Green Energy Transition

The types of mineral resources used vary by technology. Lithium, nickel, cobalt, manganese and graphite are crucial to battery performance, longevity and energy density.

Rare earth elements are essential for permanent magnets that are vital for wind turbines and EV motors. Electricity networks need a huge amount of copper and aluminium, with copper being a cornerstone for all electricity-related technologies.

electric vehicles

In 2027, 27 million EVs are expected to be on the road, pushing copper demand up from 185,000 tonnes (2017) to 1.74 million tonnes.

electric vehicle charging

In Demand for copper for EV charging is expected to rise more than 1000% by 2030, compared to 2020.

Solar technology

A solar photovoltaic farm requires 4.56 tonnes of copper per megawatt.

energy storage

The greatest concentration of copper in electric vehicles is within the battery.

Wind Farms

A 3 megawatts wind turbine contains up to 4.7 tonnes of copper.

Why Uranium?

Uranium offers a tried and tested, highly reliable and safe method of electricity production; reducing the reliance on fossil fuels and supplementing renewable power

Governments around the world are ringfencing budgets to support nuclear power infrastructure projects and focusing on securing friendly or domestic sources of Uranium

Uranium is a key component as we move to a Green Energy future and environmental, economic and political pressure is expected to allow for wider exploration and extraction of uranium in Australia


Australia’s Department of Industry, Science & Resource’s report published on 4 October 2022 claimed potential shortfalls in global supply and rising demand could support an increase in uranium prices (Capital.com)


Russia currently supplies 14% of the world’s uranium concentrate. Future supply agreements will move away from Russia, according to FNArena’s uranium weekly report published on 6 December 20229 (Capital.com)

Operating in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner.

New Horizon Metals strives to create shareholder value and maintain our social commitment by supporting the wellbeing of our people, protecting the environment, and strengthening the communities in which we operate.

The critical role copper will play on the path to net zero emissions cannot be understated and we are committed to bridge the deficit in copper supply while operating with transparency and maintaining the highest standards of corporate and social responsibility.

The renewable energy sector could see copper demand rise from around 650,000 tonnes in 2020 to over 1.3 million tonnes in 2030.

Charlie Duran, CRU Analyst

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